Fatigue After Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, Stroke) by Arjan Kuipers

Arjan Kuipers explains in this video about fatigue after traumatic brain injury (TBI) & Stroke. 






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Arm swing is important

Uncategorized Jun 22, 2020

Why arm swing is so important for your arm recovery after stroke.

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How Linda got rid of her drop foot

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2020

How Linda got rid of her drop foot

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What doesnโ€™t kill me....

Uncategorized May 18, 2020

What doesn’t kill me....

The two strokes that I experienced changed everything. The beliefs I had of myself and the world were thrown upside down. For the better, I can say now! After hitting rock bottom, I went on a self-examination tour. I took a good look at myself. I did not like what I saw. Besides the visible aftermath of my strokes, I saw a sleepless workaholic that put too much value on extrinsic values. Following this realization, I decided that things had to change. I started reading and listening to hundreds of books and research papers. I compiled what I learned from reading into a “trial and error” toolbox. This toolbox, created mostly of new habits, allowed me to put theory into practice and helped to recover this far and I became a better person through the process, which I'm most proud of.

Why do I give my audiobook away for free?
I must be, the LEAST commercially oriented person you know...

That might be true...
(But I don’t care).

I have a...

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Get More Energy After Stroke or Brain Injury

after stroke recovery May 01, 2020

Why the drop in energy after stroke and brain injury?

Your energy factories

What can you do?

Avoid toxins

Improve gut function

Practice good nutrition

Manage stress

Practice hormesis


Energy is often a big issue when you are recovering from stroke or brain injury. By the end of this post, you will have the tools to increase energy levels from today on. You will also learn about hormesis, an out-of-the-box way to increase energy levels (that almost no one knows about).


Why the drop in energy after stroke
and brain injury?

First, your brain is no longer working optimally. Your brain takes a lot of energy. And it takes even more energy when it repairs and recovers (1).

 Second, your whole body is in fight-or-flight. Your sympathetic nervous system kicks in after brain injury and stroke, and usually does not settle down. That takes a lot of energy. Your energy factories, the mitochondria, are hugely affected. This affects your energy levels the most.

 Your brain...

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Back to basics with Stuart Fife

Uncategorized May 12, 2019

Of all the teachers I have had, Stuart is one of the best.

The meeting that we were about to have proofed that again. No matter how much you have learned and thought others about rehabilitation, it is always good to touch base. In stroke and traumatic brain rehab, this is maybe even more important than in other areas of rehabilitation. By now you have probably understood that some principles need to be applied for optimal recovery and purposeful neuroplasticity to take place. For example, the number of repetitions you spend on exercises and the intensity with which you do this. There are other fundamentals as well; you need central stability (read strength and endurance) before you attempt to use or rehabilitate an arm, leg or surprisingly even speech and cognition (the latter go beyond the purpose of this blog which I explain in new blog posts and training of brain .rehab)

We were meeting in his office in Savannah. Of the two of us, Linda was probably the most eager to interview...

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Checking out two novel brain enhancing tools from Texas and Louisiana.

Uncategorized Apr 22, 2019

Some weeks ago we already met Kyle Daigle and Brandon Crawford in Barcelona while on a course about neurodevelopment. They had sparked our interest with the way they stimulate brain function and recovery using laser and a virtual reality system.

We had already learned that the National Health Services in the UK were very interested in the so-called Neuro sage system for pain control after a pilot study showed a significant pain reduction using the Neuro sage system. Now we were about to learn more about these two systems and how they can be used for stroke and brain injury recovery, in their birthplace.

We were visiting the neuro-rehabilitation clinic of Kyle in Lake Charles Louisiana. Luckily we choose the right date, Good Friday, a day that most people in Louisiana take off. We had the clinic for ourselves and plenty of time to find out more about the two novel ways to enhance plus recover brain function. After a tour around Kyle’s clinic, Kyle and Brandon (his clinic is in...

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